To know more

If you are preparing your proposal for the Open Call here are some links that can be useful to know this natural environment and the different knowledge and agents that operate on the territory.

Comité científico del Mar Menor (Mar Menor Scientific committee) 

It is a working group belonging to the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment with advisory character and dedicated to scientific advice in the selection and execution of actions aimed at improving the ecological status of the Mar Menor, as well as the promotion of scientific knowledge and applied research in relation to environmental problems of the lagoon.

On this website you can find information about its composition, minutes, follow-up, etc.

Datos científicos del Mar Menor (Mar Menor scientific data)

Web that collects data on the state of the Mar Menor (Salinity, transparency, etc.)

Comité de participación social del Mar Menor (Mar Menor social participation committee)

It is a working group belonging to the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment. It is responsible for taking knowledge of the ecological status of the Mar Menor and its evolution, as well as assessing the various actions necessary for the progressive improvement of it, contributing, integrating and expressing the social, economic and neighborhood interests, to facilitate having Consider a global perspective in formulating solutions.

On this website you can find information about its composition, minutes, follow-up, etc.

Canal Mar Menor

Service of Information and Attention to the Citizen on the Mar Menor, whose work as they indicate in its web page “is to be the way of communication between the citizens and the administration. Our main objective is to attend all kinds of consultations and suggestions around to the Mar Menor and provide continuous information on the work and activities developed in the Mar Menor and its environmental values. ”

Pacto por el Mar Menor (Mar Menor agreement)

Platform formed by people and social, professional, cultural, environmental, trade union, etc. organizations, with different political sensitivities to which the desire for conservation of one of the emblematic places of our Region, and whose ecological, cultural values, and also economic, are incalculable.

On this website you can find an extensive archive of articles, links to news, audiovisual information, etc. .. on the environmental problems of the Mar Menor and the actions of social and governmental entities in the management of the situation.

Volando Voy (flying I’m going)

Television program that addresses the situation of the Mar Menor through the voices of different people in the area.

Aguas del Mar Menor (Mar Menor waters)

Short video recorded by several environmental associations on the state of the waters of the Mar Menor in May 2016

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